Steffen Cook from Spartan Race gives us the lowdown on the race results which were affected by a forest fire:
“For the first time in our history, the men’s elite heat was affected by a true force of nature.
In Miami on Saturday morning, a forest fire sparked on our course and quickly turned into a big problem as early reports came in from racers, volunteers, and Spartan staff that the fire was growing in strength around mile 7.
We immediately notified emergency staff and the Dade County Fire Department decided to re-route racers on course. But by the time we started re-routing racers, an unknown number were still on the full course.
Because we were uncertain which racers completed the full course and which completed the re-routed course, we were unable to accurately determine the order of Saturday’s male elite finishers.
The fire was an unprecedented challenge for the Spartan team. We worked tirelessly to create a solution that would be fair while maintaining the integrity of the Spartan Race points system.
We talked at length with many racers, members of the Spartan 300, and our timing gurus to find an equitable solution. We concluded that right way to deal with this newfound obstacle was to *not* award points to Saturday’s male elite racers and to not publish any male finishing placements.
Without a way of knowing which racers completed the full or shortened course, we didn’t feel we could accurately determine finish placement or adjusted times. However, this race will count toward the Spartan Race Trifecta for those pursuing that achievement this season.”
Race Results
Click here for the results of the Florida Super Spartan Race 2013
Race Photo
- Contestants at the Florida Super Spartan on Saturday 23rd February 2013
Race Listing
For more details of the Florida Super Spartan, which took place on 23rd February 2013, click here.
[…] Race Report: Florida Super Spartan Hit By Forest Fire, 23rd February 2013 […]