Hey runners,
Hope you had a great weekend. The team at Race-Calendar spent it exercising in various corners of the globe. Here in Australia there we some great events, with the sun warming the souls of manyon Sunday morning for 5ks, 10ks, triathalons, and Iron Man. Last weekend in Australia was also hosted one of the most famous iron man races in the world, the Coolangatta Gold run on the Gold Coast in Queensland. It’s so famous they made a movie about it, that became an institution in Australia.
It’s considered one of the toughest races, a test of endurance comprising a surf ski leg, followed by a beach run, then a surf swim; another beach run and a board race, before the final gruelling beach run to finish the race. You can see what it’s all about with the promo video below:
RSS Race Notification Emails: This week we introduced a new feature to the list at Race-Calendar. Now when you subscribe you can select if you would like to receive race notifications only from your region as they are posted on Race-Calendar. Every Friday you will receive a list and link in your email box to races near you! If you would like to add this feature to your current subscription, please email jono@race-calendar.com and we will get you set up.
Up & Running Visits: At Race-Calendar we are keen to foster mutually beneficial partnerships between running groups, charities, enthusiasts and commercial enterprises. During the week the UK team at Race-Calendar took to the road to visit the very popular Up & Running stores in Leeds and Wakefield. Incidently our 2013 Race-Calendar Wall calendars are available in these stores.
Your Weekly Inspirational Video:
The Official 1984 Coolangatta Gold Movie Trailer | Be aware that this video clip contains a large quantity of very full budgy smugglers! You’ve been warned:
Race Reports, Results & Photos:
- Great Barrier Island Wharf to Wharf | October 13th 2012 View the race report from the Great Barrier Island Wharf.
Upcoming Races:
This race benefits Compassion Pregnancy Services, soon to be Hollister Pregnancy Center, a non-profit organization that provides free medical services for women, such as limited ultrasounds, pregnancy tests and peer counseling. We also provide STD testing free of charge to the community of San Benito County. This race is one of three annual fundraisers for this organization.
- Lancaster half marathon @ Salt Ayre Sports Centre, Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom on 04 November 2012.
Early entry is advised for this very popular half marathon, which starts at Salt Ayre Sports Centre and follows the River Lune for most of the distance. So this is a generally flat well marshalled race, much of it on a traffic free cycle path, with lots of water stations. It is sponsored by the Runners Centre (Lancaster) and Brooks. UK athletics rules apply and there are awards for all finishers, as well as prizes for the first 3 men and women and the first vet in each category. Accurate timing by chip. Attached entry fee is £15 and unattached is £17 with an extra £1 on the day. Generous donations to local charities. There will also be a fun run, just after the start of the race – £2.50 per entry.
- 4th Annual 5K Fun Run/Walk For Alzheimer’s @ Northgate at Menno Haven, Chambersburg, PA, United States on 03 November 20125K Fun Run/Walk and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run, 12 and under for Alzheimers.
The Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon (KAEM)is a 250km, 7-day, self-sufficiency event held annually in October in the Green Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Participants cover the 250km in 6 legs over 7 days, shortest being approximately 25km, the longest leg approximately 78km and one rest day. Check points are situated every 8 – 10km apart and at each check point the participants get 1.5litres of water. At the end of every stage, the participants get a 5liter water bottle, the overnight camp is set up and a controlled fire is lit to cook their daily meal. It is the 2nd oldest event of it’s kind, and now in it’s 13th year.
Featured Race Map: Africa…….
Races in Africa courtesy of Race-Calendar.com. Add a race. Embed Map
This Weeks Deals:
RONHILL Men’s Classic Trackster
RRP £21.99, £13.99, You save 36% | CLICK HERE TO REDEEM
RONHILL Ladies Classic Trackster
RRP £21.99, £13.99 You save 36% | CLICK HERE TO REDEEM
Happy Running,
The Team @ Race-Calendar.com
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